Diana gives an intense and full-length workout. While physically dynamic, her classes never lack a spiritual dimension.    –John

The space Diana creates in class is full of opportunities to either push my boundaries or comfortably play until I feel ready to move on to something more challenging. I always leave class feeling relaxed, refreshed and worked out!   – Laura

I want to thank Diana for being so welcoming and encouraging to me in her yoga classes. I am getting so much out of the sessions, even though I’m not up to the same level as the rest of the class. I always walk away feeling tired, but greatly uplifted and surprised by what I am actually able to do.  – Margery

Diana was born to move and shares her fire for movement with others in so many ways. One of her particular talents is her understanding of where the athlete in us meets the yogi in us all. Her teaching is appropriate for all ages. She has a genuine sensitivity for injury and fragility. Her yoga room is a real country studio, warm and green!  – Lisa

Transcendent.  -Leah

I’m grateful for the space Diana offers for Mamas like me to do yoga with the babes scooting about. Even on the days when my twins want to nurse for a significant chunk of time, it feels good to be there– so rejuvenating, time to nourish my soul.  – Re

Diana’s class stands apart from others as a place free of judgment. Her guidance is clear and she communicates in an intelligent and fun way without being overly talkative. I find a perfect balance in her class between energetic, heat-building vinyasa and restorative asanas that clear my mental slate and strengthen my over 50-year-old body. I leave feeling both energized and relaxed with a peaceful glow.

Diana’s class is an essential way for me to find sanity and balance in my chaotic over-booked life. For me it is all about just showing up– I get on my mat, and with abandon, breathe and listen to Diana guide me for the next 90 minutes. I think I am an addict.  -Anne

What I love about Diana’s classes is the fusion of yoga in the physical sense and yoga in the spiritual sense.  I leave her class feeling like I’ve taken my body where it needs to be in order to be healthy and strong, but also that I’ve been in the presence of someone who genuinely sees yoga as a tool for living a peaceful and good life.  -Evie

For many years I had a vague intention to take up yoga “someday,” thinking it would be good for me in a sort of eat-your-vegetables way, something to supplement the sports that I love, hiking and rowing and especially cross-country skiing. But then earlier this year I underwent surgery on my shoulder, and the rigors of my physical therapy regimen gave me plenty of opportunity to reflect on the fact that flexibility is every bit as important an aspect of fitness as strength and endurance. Diana’s Slow Flow class for beginners came along at just the right time in my healing process.

The emphasis on flexibility is all I’d hoped for; what I hadn’t expected is what a total mind-body experience yoga can be, what a sense of serenity and overall well-being yoga can bring, and above all what fun it is to spend an hour a week rediscovering my own body through yoga. With gentle good humor Diana leads the class through beautifully integrated sequences of moves and postures, always with encouragement to listen to the body and just do what feels right, and always with an awareness of the breath at the center of physical experience. We begin and end each class with a few minutes of quiet contemplation, of focusing the mind and the heart. And when the hour is over each week I’m amazed at what a thorough workout we’ve just had, how pleasantly fatigued I feel but also how rejuvenated and restored, body and soul. I love this class!  -Mike

Core Flow Yoga is a peaceful retreat from the outside world. Diana and Tim have created a space which has provided me with the peace and sanctuary for a deep and restorative yoga experience and has opened my heart to the energy of an invigorating practice.

Diana Whitney is a teacher in the truest sense.  Her classes focus on the practice of yoga for the health, fitness and vitality of the whole being.  She combines postures and sequences from many yogic traditions to create dynamic, supportive, and individually challenging classes.  Diana is a charismatic and intuitive teacher who develops a sense of exploration and play within a structure that nurtures her students.  Through her athleticism and intellect, Diana sets the stage for yoga practice that stretches her students’ minds, bodies and souls.    –Kirsten, www.jeppesencoaching.com